Focus and Scope

Journal Neosantara Hybrid Learning is a scholarly international journal focusing on theory, research, and development in the field of educational and Learning.

The journal assigns highest priority to rigorous studies of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed paradigms on topics related to theories and applications of educational and Learning as well as instructional design in various educational settings including both formal and non-formal contexts.

The journal also publishes articles on empirically-based evaluation studies and theoretically-based development papers.  When appropriate and possible, development papers should highlight links between theory and practice of educational technology.

1. Online and Blended Learning Primarily in Education Contexts.
2. Educational Technology and Information Technology and Education.
3. Science Education
4. Trends in Educational Technology.
5. Teacher Education.
6. Instructional Design, Learning-Teaching Methods and Applications.
7. Early Childhood Education.
8. Educational Development & Policy.
9. Mobile Learning, E-Learning and U-Learning.
10. Religious Education.
11. Educational Management.
12. Educational Games and Simulations.
13. Assessment and Evaluation and Related Fields.
14. Educational Leadership.
15. Andragogy & Heutagogy.
16. Teaching & Learning.
17. Game-based Learning, Smart Learning and Adaptive Learning.
19. Language Education
20. Quality Education.
21. Social Education.
22. Local Wisdom Based Learning.