Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Indonesian EFL Class Between 2017 to 2022

Nixon Halim (1), Melkisedek Boys (2), Farid Fahmi (3), Kayoko Nozaki (4), Matsuzaki Wuttipong (5)
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Indonesia,
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Indonesia,
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Indonesia,
(4) Tohoku University, Japan,
(5) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


The project-based learning (PjBL) approach emphasizes the learning process, which has a tangible endpoint in the form of a product, and makes students the subject or focal point of instruction. In other words, students are free to choose their educational pursuits and to collaborate on learning tasks until a finished product is produced. Because of this, the degree to which students participate in their education has a significant impact on its success. A systematic review was used as the research methodology to analyze the literature across 15 journals using data from several databases, including Garuda and Google Scholar. The journals were analyzed utilizing a content analysis method and the data are presented in systematic diagrams and tables. The result of the study revealed that Project-based learning (PjBL) was the most used at University with 60% and between 2017-2022. In 2022 was the most popular Project-based learning very high. In addition, research methods in project-based learning were quantitative and qualitative in the same amount. Moreover, the most implemented Project-based learning was to increase speaking and vocabulary skills. Further analysis of advantages related to the use of Project-based was also illustrated.

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Nixon Halim (Primary Contact)
Melkisedek Boys
Farid Fahmi
Kayoko Nozaki
Matsuzaki Wuttipong
Halim, N., Boys, M., Fahmi, F., Nozaki, K., & Wuttipong, M. (2023). Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Indonesian EFL Class Between 2017 to 2022. Journal Neosantara Hybrid Learning, 1(2), 94–109.

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