The Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy is a scholarly, peer-reviewed publication that focuses on the historical and philosophical aspects of midwifery practice. The journal aims to provide a platform for midwives, researchers, educators, and policymakers to share their knowledge and experiences, and to advance the field of midwifery.
The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to, topics such as clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice, midwifery education and training, midwifery-led care models, midwifery research, maternal and infant health outcomes, global perspectives on midwifery, and policy developments affecting midwifery practice. Additionally, the journal welcomes submissions that examine the philosophical underpinnings of midwifery, including discussions on autonomy, informed consent, and the value of holistic care.
The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice guidelines, and scholarly opinion pieces that contribute to the advancement of midwifery as a profession and a discipline. The overarching goal of the Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy is to promote excellence in midwifery practice, education, and research, and to improve outcomes for women and infants around the world.

Journal title Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy
Initials JMHP
Abbreviation J. of Midwifery History and Philosophy
Frequency Quarterly | March - June - September - December
DOI prefix 10.70177/japrss
Editor-in-chief Desi Sarli, M. Keb, PhD, (Scopus ID : 57218222827), h-index: 2, STIKes Alifah Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Organized Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah
Citation Analysis Scopus | Web of Science | Sinta | Dimensions | Google Scholar

OAI Address
The Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy is published by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah, West Sumatra, Indonesia. has OAI address:

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You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Midwifery paper Template has been carefully proofread and polished and conformed to the author guidelines.
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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-11-25


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Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024)