A Geographic Perspective in the Context of Political Ecology for Understanding Strategic Environmental Assessment in Indonesia

Heinrich Rakuasa (1), Philia Christi Latue (2), Yamres Pakniany (3)
(1) National Research Tomsk State University, Russian Federation,
(2) Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia,
(3) Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Ambon, Indonesia


This research aims to explore the concept of political ecology in the context of the relationship between humans and the environment. Through a qualitative approach, literature analysis, case studies, and interviews were conducted to understand the implementation of the concept of political ecology. The results of the analysis show the complexity of socio-environmental interactions and the scale of political ecology. The findings provide a deeper understanding of the political and cultural dynamics in the representation of "nature". Thus, this research makes an important contribution to understanding political ecology from a geographical perspective. In conclusion, the political ecology approach provides a comprehensive picture and effective solutions in dealing with increasingly complex environmental problems.


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Heinrich Rakuasa
heinrichr4kuasa@ui.ac.i (Primary Contact)
Philia Christi Latue
Yamres Pakniany
Rakuasa, H., Latue, P. C., & Pakniany, Y. (2024). A Geographic Perspective in the Context of Political Ecology for Understanding Strategic Environmental Assessment in Indonesia. Journal of Selvicoltura Asean, 1(1), 33–42. Retrieved from https://journal.ypidathu.or.id/index.php/selvicoltura/article/view/859

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