Implementation of Grid Computing in Genomic Data Processing in Biomedical Informatics

Rahmawati Rahmawati (1), Ammar Al-Momani (2), Sarah Williams (3)
(1) Universitas Almarisah Madani Makassar, Indonesia,
(2) University of Jordan, Jordan,
(3) University of Toronto, Canada


The exponential growth of genomic data in biomedical informatics has necessitated efficient computational methods to process and analyze vast datasets. Traditional computational systems often fall short in handling the scale and complexity of genomic data. This study investigates the implementation of grid computing as a scalable and cost-effective solution for genomic data processing in biomedical informatics. The research aims to evaluate the feasibility and performance of grid computing in enhancing data throughput, reducing computational latency, and improving resource utilization in genomic data workflows. The study adopts a methodological approach that integrates grid computing frameworks, such as Globus Toolkit and Apache Hadoop, into genomic data processing pipelines. Simulated genomic datasets and real-world case studies were employed to benchmark the grid computing system against conventional computational environments. The results demonstrate significant improvements in processing speed, with an average reduction of 40% in computational time, and a 25% increase in resource efficiency. Additionally, the system showcased robust scalability, handling up to 10 times larger datasets without compromising accuracy or reliability. In conclusion, the findings underscore the potential of grid computing to revolutionize genomic data processing, making it a pivotal technology in biomedical informatics. This study highlights the importance of adopting distributed computing paradigms to address the challenges posed by modern bioinformatics demands.

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Rahmawati Rahmawati (Primary Contact)
Ammar Al-Momani
Sarah Williams
Rahmawati, R., Al-Momani, A., & Williams, S. . (2024). Implementation of Grid Computing in Genomic Data Processing in Biomedical Informatics. Journal of Computer Science Advancements, 2(6), 447–461.

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