Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Crisis Management
Background. The growing complexity of cybersecurity threats has led to an increasing demand for faster and more efficient solutions. As cyber threats evolve in sophistication, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity crisis management has become highly relevant. AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and detect patterns that may be undetectable to human operators offers significant potential in combating cybercrime and cyberattacks.
Purpose. This study aims to evaluate how AI can enhance the effectiveness of cybersecurity by improving the detection and response to cyber threats. Specifically, the research focuses on understanding AI's role in identifying potential threats more quickly and responding with greater efficiency compared to traditional methods.
Method. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative interviews. Quantitative data were gathered from cyberattack simulations to measure AI’s effectiveness in detecting and responding to various types of cyber threats. Additionally, qualitative interviews were conducted with cybersecurity experts to gather insights into AI’s practical applications and limitations in real-world scenarios.
Results. The findings show that AI significantly accelerates threat detection, improving the overall response efficiency with a success rate of up to 85%. AI is also capable of analyzing large datasets in a short period, enabling faster identification of vulnerabilities and potential threats. However, AI still faces limitations in handling unexpected and novel types of cyberattacks, indicating that it cannot entirely replace human expertise.
Conclusion. While AI offers numerous advantages in the field of cybersecurity, it must be integrated with human expertise to address its limitations effectively. AI technology should be continuously updated to adapt to emerging threats. This study contributes to the understanding of AI’s strategic role in cybersecurity and provides valuable direction for further research aimed at overcoming the technology’s weaknesses in threat management.
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