Eka Ulan Sari (1), Siti Mutmainah (2), Novi Wahyuni (3), Diyah Nuranisa (4), Nurahmayanti Nurahmayanti (5), Nurul Yuliani (6), LiliLailatul Zuhro (7)
(1) Adiwangsa University of Jambi, Indonesia,
(2) Adiwangsa University of Jambi, Indonesia,
(3) Adiwangsa University of Jambi , Indonesia,
(4) Adiwangsa University of Jambi, Indonesia,
(5) Adiwangsa University of Jambi , Indonesia,
(6) Adiwangsa University of Jambi, Indonesia,
(7) Adiwangsa University of Jambi, Indonesia


Background. Premarital education has an important role in preparing prospective brides and grooms to face various aspects of married life, including pregnancy readiness.

Purpose. This study aims to compare the results of 20 journals regarding the effectiveness of premarital education in improving readiness for pregnancy.

Method. This study covers various methods of premarital education such as counseling, educational programs, the use of leaflet media, and digital applications. The population in these studies varied from brides-to-be to young couples, with research locations spread across different regions of Indonesia. The sampling techniques used include purposive, random, and stratified sampling. The most common data collection tools are questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and documentation analysis.

Results. Results from the 20 journals consistently showed that premarital education significantly improved readiness for pregnancy, with increased preparedness ranging from 30% to 70% after educational interventions. The statistical analysis used included  the Wilcoxon Test, T Test, and Chi-Square Test, all of which showed a significant p-value (p-value  < 0.05), indicating a significant influence of premarital education on readiness to face pregnancy

Conclusion. The conclusion of this study is that various forms of premarital education, both through face-to-face, print and digital media, are effective in preparing the bride-to-be to face pregnancy, so it is important to be implemented more widely.


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Eka Ulan Sari (Primary Contact)
Siti Mutmainah
Novi Wahyuni
Diyah Nuranisa
Nurahmayanti Nurahmayanti
Nurul Yuliani
LiliLailatul Zuhro
Sari, E. U., Mutmainah, S., Wahyuni, N., Nuranisa, D., Nurahmayanti, N., Yuliani, N., & Zuhro, L. (2024). INFLUENCE OF PRE MARRIAGE EDUCATION ON READINESS FOR PREGNANCY IN PROSPECTIVE BRIDES AT PUSKESMAS. Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy, 1(2), 59–66. Retrieved from

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