Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology: Announcements <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal provides a platform for the publication of original qualitative and quantitative research on education and instruction, compilations based on critical evaluation of current literature, and meta-analysis studies. The <strong>Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology</strong> also aims to provide a platform where multiple educational disciplines can contribute and share educational insights, innovative approaches and practices. In this respect, <strong>Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology</strong> publishes national and international research in an attempt to present a reliable and respectable information source for the researchers. <br /><br /><strong>Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology</strong> has been published since 2022, published three times a year April, August, December. The articles submitted for publication are subjected to double-blind reviewing process. The journal publishes original articles in English.</p> en-US