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  • Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology

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  • Lingeduca: Journal of Language and Education Studies

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  • Journal Markcount Finance

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  • Sharia Oikonomia Law Journal

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  • Journal Neosantara Hybrid Learning

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  • Journal of World Future Medicine, Health and Nursing

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  • Pengabdian: Jurnal Abdimas

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  • Journal Emerging Technologies in Education

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  • International Journal of Educational Narratives

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  • Rechtsnormen Journal of Law

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  • Journal of Computer Science Advancements

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  • International Journal of Language and Ubiquitous Learning

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  • Journal of Social Science Utilizing Technology

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  • Journal of Noesantara Islamic Studies

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  • Journal of Moeslim Research Technik

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  • Journal of Selvicoltura Asean

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  • International Journal of Educatio Elementaria and Psychologia

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  • Research Psychologie, Orientation et Conseil

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  • Journal of Tecnologia Quantica

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  • Journal of Loomingulisus ja Innovatsioon

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  • Cognitionis Civitatis et Politicae

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  • Techno Agriculturae Studium of Research

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  • Research of Scientia Naturalis

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  • Journal of Biomedical and Techno Nanomaterials

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  • Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Creative Technology

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  • Journal of Humanities Research Sustainability

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  • Journal of Multidisciplinary Sustainability Asean

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  • Islamic Studies in the World

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  • Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Research Sciences and Sustainability (JAPRSS)

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  • Journal of Midwifery History and Philosophy

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